Experts: No end to volcano ash in sight
1 Comments - 16 Apr 2010
Weather experts predicted Friday that a volcanic ash causing chaos to air traffic across Europe would affect the region well into the weekend and possibly beyond as the dust cloud continued to spread. Scientists said it was too soon to predict when the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland would cea...

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Samsung issues warnings about 3-D TV
0 Comments - 15 Apr 2010
Pregnant women, drunk people and "those who are sleep deprived" should not watch 3-D television because of potential health issues, electronics manufacturer Samsung says on its Web site. The company also says people at risk for stroke or epileptic seizures should consult a medical professional bef...

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Kellan Lutz to play Poseidon For War Of The Gods

Twilight’s Kellan Lutz  is going from vampire to living god for his next role, agreeing to play Poseidon for Tarsem Singh’s War Of The Gods.The film has been in development for a couple of years now, with Relativity Media backing what was once supposed to be a big challenger for Clash Of The Titans. It has yet to start shooting, though, so any thoughts of getting out of the gate first have long since faded.War finds Henry Cavill as Theseus, fighting to stop elder gods The Titans (led by Mickey Rourke as Hyperion) as they wage war against the Greek Gods. Lutz’ Poseidon will help Theseus in his epic struggle.


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